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Aurora Build

Aurora: A Comprehensive Mid-Lane Guide

Runes and Itemization

Aurora's best rune configurations and item builds vary depending on the matchup, skill order, and playstyle. Popular rune choices include Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Gathering Storm. Core items for Aurora include Luden's Tempest, Horizon Focus, and Cosmic Drive.

Matchups and Skill Order

Aurora excels against ranged mages, while she struggles against assassins and bruisers. Her skill order typically prioritizes Crystallize (Q) for wave clear and poke, Glacial Burst (W) for crowd control and damage, and Winter's Wrath (E) for mobility and damage.

Gameplay and Counters

Aurora's gameplay revolves around constant poking with her Q and setting up crowd control with her W. Her ultimate, Absolute Zero, is a powerful area-of-effect freeze that can turn fights in her team's favor. However, Aurora is vulnerable to ganks due to her lack of mobility and should play cautiously when her abilities are on cooldown. Common counters to Aurora include champions with high mobility, such as Zed and Yasuo, and bruisers who can withstand her burst damage, such as Camille and Jax.


Aurora is a formidable mid-lane mage who excels at controlling crowds, zoning enemies, and dealing sustained damage. By understanding her rune options, item builds, matchups, and counters, players can master Aurora and dominate the Rift. Her ability to disrupt enemy teams and set up plays for her allies makes her a valuable asset in any composition.
